Click on image above to go to Flipbook version but please note this is not an exact replica of the final printed copy just Parts 1 & 2. Also note that hyperlinks to the withdrawn pages have been lost in this abbreviated version. 

 This book provides a basic introduction and scientific background to aspects of llama behaviour, llama husbandry, llama anatomical structures and physiological systems, explaining briefly their purpose, congenital and non-inherited problems that can arise, their clinical symptoms, preventions and treatments to help overcome them. Whilst it does aim to help overcome the usually well intentioned but often biased, conflicting or ill informed myth and conjecture offered verbally or circulated and via unscrutinised social media it does not attempt to compete with or go into as much details on any topic as do, for example, the excellent texts by Marty McGee Bennet on llama behaviour and training; D. E. Anderson, C. Cebra, Graham R. Duncanson, M. E. Fowler and L. Johnson on camelid medicine  on which I have drawn heavily in parts but provide just sufficient information for the llama keeper to get a grasp of the fundamental concepts without feeling blinded by science or overhaud by detail. 

The volume does make a unique contribution in pointing the user to up-to-date sources of additional and further information pulled from a diverse range of sources printed and via the internet.

xiv +255pp. Available from the author. Price £35/US$40 plus p&p.

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