In Memorium
Donte (died March, 2020)
Donte was a big personality. Not only did he tower above all the rest in physical stature but he was the nosiest llama of the herd, needing to know who you were, what you smelled like, the texture of your clothing and anything else that took his fancy. He would never accept me, his owner, wearing head gear and would promptly remove it. He never really liked wearing a halter since he thought himself too important for that. It was because of these traits that his breeder had reservations about letting me buy him, especially as a new keeper of llamas at the time I acquired him. He tried to push me about, jumping me from behind when least expecting it but we soon reached an understanding. I was his boss! Donte always liked to be in the mix and was a devil for putting his front feet on the roof of the shelter and sliding them down bringing the guttering with him. Below is a picture of his arrival at Hillview Llamas with his breeder Derek Wallis , the first llama to set foot on the farm. In the end, his arthritis was making life too tough for him during the muddy winter months and so it was time to let him go. I miss him.
Hillview Ruby (died July 2018)
Ruby (named by my daughter after the home economics teacher on Waterloo Road) was the first llama to be born at Hillview Llamas (in 2009) and never stepped off the land. She was pretty good at fending for herself despite her small stature. She had a cria of her own at a young age. It was an accident but she was a good mother despite teaching her offspring to be at times bad tempered like herself. All of them protested at having their toe nails trimmed and she was the first and only one to cover me in 'green' whilst undertaking the task in the days before owning a chute. She had 5 cria in all which included Heather, Trish, Rupert, Helena and Chenda, Hellana being the tallest llama born at Hillview. Her death came suddenly, only weeks after giving birth to Chenda. We never knew the cause but found her dead, belly up and heavily bloated one afternoon. A couple of hours earlier she had appeared perfectly normal.
Steph (died July 2022)
Steph was the first female llama at Hillview. She was a very pretty llama but not especially sociable with humans. However, she was a strong personality and never lost out at feed time. She produced several good cria and mothered them well. At 210Kg, she was the heaviest female llama at Hillview. Sadly and unexpectly she died fairly suddenly of heatstroke during the hotest day recorded in the UK (42c) in July, 2022.
Black Pearl (Died April 2022)
Oh Black Pearl, I adored him. The loveliest, softest, gentle llama you could wish for. His eyes were deep and he had fleece to die for, so soft and silky. He was totally reliable with children and in different situations. As a small llama with a gentle demeaner children felt comfortable and at ease with him. He would have gone on to be a good therapy and PR llama had his life not been cut short. Unfortunately, as the smallest, easy going male llama, he was violently attacked by one of the other studs that caused him to loose part of his foot. He appeared to withstand the amputation surgery and was making a good recovery but six months later went into depression and there was nothing we could do to bring him round. Fortunately, he left us with some of his genes in Paul and Fritz.

Died June 2023 following infection which the PM showed to be from straw piercing her gum and introducing bacteria into the sinuses and eye socket.
Such an unassumning and well mannered llama who always patiently awaited her turn. Never saw her bite, kick or spit. Several people's favourite.

© Copyright Hill View Llamas, Frodsham