Library Collections and Catalogues (including COPACs)

You may wish to consult library catalogues to identify titles, authors, etc. or check to see if they hold copies of a book, periodical etc. you have already identified and wish to consult in hard copy. 

Examples of very large general collections with significant llama content include:

(For llama content click on icon to the right)

Examples of very large specialist collections, actual and virtual include, with significant llama content include: the US National Library of Medicine

(For llama content click on icon to the right)

 Veterinary Medicine Electronic Library

It is also sometimes possible to search the holdings of several libraries simultaneously via an OPACand find single or multiple locations of items identified.

World Cat is one such service accessible via the WWW.

COPAC provides such a service for items held in major British University libraries. This can be helpful to finding location of a copy close to you.

Major National and specialist library and joint library catalogues


COPAC - 90 UK and Irish academic, national & specialist library catalogues