University Theses and Dissertations
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Nick Enke Drinking behaviour of llamas (Lama glama) and horses (Equus caballus) in response to saline drinking water der Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich Wilhelms Universität Bonn,
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Select Hillview Llamas Listing of University Theses and Dissertations on Llama related topics (A) chronologically arranged - most recent first and (B) By author A-Z.
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Starkman, R. (2017). Llama fiber supply chain sustainability in Bolivia.
Rotman, M. (2017). Crossing barriers: Delivery of llama antibody fragments into the brain.
Carrasco, R. (2016). Ovulation-inducing factor/nerve growth factor (OIF/NGF): Immunohistochemical studies of the bovine ovary and the llama hypothalamus. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan.
Sanz-Robinson, J., & Princeton University. (2016). Llamas: Large-area microphone arrays and sensing systems. (Dissertation Abstracts International, 77-11.)
Díaz, L. A. M., & State University of New York at Binghamton. (2016). Evolutionary origins and domestication of South American camelids, the alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and the llama (Lama glama) explained through molecular DNA methods.
Jovčevska, I., & Komel, R. (2015). Llama heavy-chain antibody-derived nanobodies as tools to identify protein markers for human glioma: [doctoral dissertation]. Ljubljana: I. Jovčevska.
Barón, G. E., Vidal, E. M., Barceló, . C. D., Eljarrat, E. E., & Universitat de Barcelona. (2015). Evaluación del impacto ambiental asociado al uso de nuevos retardantes de llama.
Nevoltris, D., Baty, D., Aix-Marseille Université., & Ecole Doctorale Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé (Marseille). (2014). Développement des ligands pour l' étude des récepteurs GPCR, Tyrosine Kinase, basée sur l' utilisation de simple domaine d' anticorps de lamas. S.l.: s.n..
Pawlinski, S. (2014). Neonatal septicemia in a llama cria.
Parisien, A. (2014). Large-scale production in Escherichia coli TG1 and purification of llama single domain antibody ToxA5.1 against Clostridium difficile toxin
Preciado, R. N. A. (2013). Water dispossession at the Llano en Llamas: A research study by a daughter of Mexican farmworkers in the land of her consciousness.
Danquah, W., & Koch-Nolte, F. (2013). Selection and characterization of llama-derived anti-P2X7 single domain antibodies. Hamburg: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg.
Cabeza Pérez, Pablo, Bermejo Roda, María Dolores, dir., & Cocero Alonso, María José, dir. (2012). Studies in the development of SCWO vessel reactor with hydrothermal flame as an internal heat source.
Osmundson, S. (2011). Abdominal serosal cysts in an adult male llama (Lama glama).
Guerra, G. P., Moyano, M. E., Barceló, . C. D., Eljarrat, E. E., Universitat de Barcelona., & Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Espanya). (2011). Análisis de retardantes de llama halogenados emergentes y su impacto en el medio ambiente y en humanos.
Lusat, J. (2011). Importance and management of mange mites and gastrointestinal parasites in alpaca and llama populations in the UK.
Braun, K. (2011). The influence of translation on meaning: A comparative analysis of English translations of San Juan de la Cruz' Llama de amor viva.
Yang, L. (2011). L-LLAMA: A user-adaptive location-based energy management system for mobile computers.
Maw, J. (2011). Llamascape: Based on an interpretive cast : the inhabitanta llama the spatial analysta geographer the common humana phantom within the social imagination. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
Parisien, A. (2010). Surexpression chez Escherichia coli de l'anticorps à domaine simple ToxA5.1 provenant du lama et ayant pour cible l'entérotoxine A produite par Clostridium difficile =: Over-expression in Escherichia coli of the ToxA5.1 llama single domain antibody targeting Clostridium difficile enterotoxin A. Ottawa: Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
García, L. M. (2010). Desarrollo de nuevas metodologías para la determinación de plastificantes y retardantes de llama organofosforados y sus derivados en muestras medioambientales: Memoria para optar al grado de Doctor en Química. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
Concha-Albornoz, I. (2010). Anatomy of the osseous external acoustic meatus, middle ear and surrounding soft tissue in llamas (Lama glama).
Markemann, A. (2010). Functions and selection criteria for a Llama population in the Bolivian Andes.
Functions and selection criteria for a llama population in the Bolivian Andes. (2010).
Estrada, C. B. E., Meyran, D., & Université de Perpignan. (2010). Homme et chien dans Agua quemada de Carlos Fuentes, Hasta no verte Jesús mío d'Elena Poniatowska, El llano en llamas de Juan Rulfo et El día que fuimos perros d'Elena Garro: Du simil à l'allégorie. Lille: Atelier national de reproduction des thèses.
Perruchini, C., Duyckaerts, C., & Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris),. (2010). <>. S.l.: s.n..
Niedbalska, J. (2010). Severe hepatic necrosis and thromboembolic disease in a llama.
Koh, W. W.-L., & University College, London,. (2009). Characterisation of subtype C HIV-I envelope glycoproteins and their recognition by llama antibody fragments.
Forsman, A. M. M. (2009). Characterisaton of llama antibody fragments able to act as HIV-1 entry inhibitors.
Parisien, A. (2009). Over-expression in Escherichia coli of the ToxA5.1 llama single domain antibody targeting Clostridium difficile enterotoxin A.
Tuco, C. E. (2009). Medidas zoométricas de llamas (Lama glama) de unidades de producción familiar campesina en campos naturales de pastoreo T'olar y Pajonal en el municipio Santiago de Machaca - departamento de La Paz.
Reed, S. K. (2009). A molecular and morphologic study of idiopathic fetlock hyperextension and suspensory apparatus breakdown in the llama. Oregon: State Univ.
Ticona, B. E. (2009). Concentración de metabolitos y comportamiento de peso vivo en llamas (Lama glama) alimentadas con pasto natural y heno de cebada durante la gestación, postpartum y crías en Turco - departamento de Oruro.
Lopez, L. L. C. (2008). Hair, feces and breath isotope fractionation in alpacas (llama pacos), llamas (llama glama) and guanacos (llama guanacoe) from Bolivia and Chile.
Ali, Q. E. E. (2008). Efecto de la privación de alimentos en el perfil metabólico de llamas (Lama glama) en la estación experimental de Letanias - Viacha.
Tanco, V. M. (2008). Biological Characterization of Ovulation-Inducing Factor (OIF) in Llama Seminal Plasma. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan.
Adams, Gregg P, Pierson, Roger, Mapletoft, Reuben, Carruthers, Terry, Singh, Baljit, & Tanco, Valeria Maria. (2008). Biological Characterization of Ovulation-Inducing Factor (OIF) in Llama Seminal Plasma. University of Saskatchewan.
Adams, Gregg P (2008). Biological Characterization of Ovulation-Inducing Factor (OIF) in Llama Seminal Plasma. University of Saskatchewan.
Maceda, T. E. E. (2008). Efecto de tres dilutores sobre la motilidad y vitalidad espermática en la crioconservación del eyaculado de llama (Lama glama) bulbouretrectomizado, departamento de La Paz.
Lewis, W. J. K., & University of London,. (2007). Novel llama antibody fusion proteins as deposition aids for particles containing encapsulated actives for use in industrial applications.
Stewart, C. S. (2007). Selection and characterization of alpha-cobrotoxin specific llama single-domain antibodies.
Riek, A. (2006). Investigations on milk composition, milk intake and body weight development in the Llama (Lama glama). Göttingen: Cuvillier.
Ratto, M. H. (2006). Ovarian follicular synchronization, ovulation and oocyte development in llamas and alpacas.
Haurie, I. L., (2006). Estudio de la hidromagnesita sintética como retardante de llama en EVA y mezclas LDPE/EVA.
Fernández, I. D., Guilemany, J. M., & Universitat de Barcelona. (2006). Caracterización de recubrimientos poliméricos y compuestos obtenidos mediante proyección térmica de llama.
Ugarte, H. E. G. (2006). Valor energético en llamas (Lama glama) alimentadas con heno de alfalfa (Medicago sativa) y cebada (Hordeum vulgare) por digestibilidad aparente in vivo en el Banco Nacional de Germoplasma Camélidos - C.E.A.C.
Ajata, A. M. (2006). Perfil metabólico y balance de nitrógeno en llamas (Lama glama) alimentadas con jipi de quinua y heno de cebada, municipio de Viacha - departamento de La Paz.
Davies, H. L. (2005). Digestibility, nitrogen balance, and blood metabolites in llama and alpaca fed barley and barley alfalfa forages.
Joosten, V. (2005). Production of bifunctional proteins by Aspergillus awamori: Llama variable heavy-chain antibody fragments (VHHS) coupled to Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase (ARP). S.l: s.n..
Magne, C. N. J. (2005). Digestibilidad aparente en llamas (Lama glama) alimentadas con (Stipa ichu) tratada con úrea y melaza en el C.E.A.C.
Estévez, D. M. (2005). Internal sociology of El llano en llamas.
Llanos, P. M. J. (2005). Digestibilidad in vivo en llamas (Lama glama), alimentadas con heno de cebadilla y paja brava en el C.E.A.C.
Duckett, L. A. (2005). A case of megaesophagus in a llama.
Moya, S. L. (2005). Effects of husbandry and low-dose lipopolysaccharide challenge on the acute phase reponse of young pigs: Y Sara Llamas Moya.
Singh, Jaswant, Singh, Baljit, Roesler, William J., Pierson, Roger A., Barth, Albert D., Adams, Gregg P., Skidmore, Julian A. (Lulu), ... Ratto, Marcelo. (2005). Ovarian follicular synchronization, ovulation and oocyte development in llamas and alpacas. University of Saskatchewan.
Smith, A. M. (2005). Do you hear what Rulfo hears?: The function of sound in El llano en llamas.
Ramsey, P. M. (2005). Synchronization of the follicular wave exogenesis hormone therapy in llamas and alpacas.
Illanes, C. J. (2005). Bloques nutricionales en la suplementación de llamas (Lama glama) en el último tercio de gestación en el CEAC.
Uhrig, S. R. (2005). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of morphine in llamas.
Singh, Jaswant, Singh, Baljit, Roesler, William J., Pierson, Roger A., Barth, Albert D., Adams, Gregg P., Skidmore, Julian A. (Lulu), ... Ratto, Marcelo. (2005). Ovarian follicular synchronization, ovulation and oocyte development in llamas and alpacas. University of Saskatchewan.
Whitehead, C. E. (2005). The effect of maternal supplementation of vitamin D on transplacental and transmammary transfer to neonatal llamas and alpacas.
León, T. G. A. (2004). Determinación del nivel nutricional de minerales Ca y P en llamas (Lama glama) en dos épocas en el centro experimental agropecuario Condoriri.
Sluijs, L. . (2004). Locomotion and energetics of llamas and alpacas under free-ranging conditions. Göttingen: Cuvillier.
Wattananat, T., & Oregon State University. (2004). Pharmacokinetic analysis of antimicrobials and an anthelmintic agent in alpacas and llamas with theoretical applications. (Dissertation Abstracts International, 65-2.)
Mendoza-Serrano, C. (2004). Land, family, and memory: A comparative approach to Go Down Moses and El Llano en Llamas [The Burning Plain].
Linden, D. R. (2004). Apparent digestibility of chelated and non-chelated forms of zinc in Llama (Lama glama) and Alpaca (Lama pacos).
Delgado, S. D. J. (2003). Perspectivas de la produccion de fibra de llama en Bolivia: Potencial y desarrollo de estrategias para mejorar la calidad de la fibra y su aptitud para la comercializacion. Göttingen: Cuvillier.
Rudolph, D. D. (2003). Characterization of humoral IgG responses in llamas infected with Fasciola hepatica.
Delgado, C. P. A. (2002). Biochemical components of llama seminal plasma at three ages.
Sukon, P. (2002). The physiology and anatomy of the esophagus of normal llamas and llamas with megaesophagus.
Flores, D. L. (2002). Componentes bioquimicos en la secrecion de las galdnulas bulbouretrales de llama (Lama glama) en tres edades. La Paz, Bolivia.
Delgado, C. P. A. (2002). Componentes bioquimicos del plasma seminal de Llama (Lama glama) en tres edades. La Paz, Bolivia.
Lópes, F. F. (2002). Determinación del perfil proteico y presencia de anticuerpos en el plasma seminal de llama (Lama glama). La Paz, Bolivia.
Flores, L. F. (2002). Determination of protein profile and presence of antibodies in llama seminal plasma (Llama glama).
Flores, D. L. (2002). Biochemical components in the secretion of bulbourethral glands for three ages of llamas (llama glama).
Ramsey, P. M. (2001). Termination and synchronization of the follicular wave in alpacas and llamas.
Drufke, N. K. (2000). The use of llamas to protect goats, cattle, and poultry from canid predators.
Woolven, B. (2000). The mechanisms of antibody generation in the llama.
Archibald, K. S. (2000). The social impact and management of llamas as recreational packstock.
Melendez, J. (2000). Serological analysis of llama immunoglobulins.
Antkowiak, M. (1999). Malnutrition and hypothermia in a neonatal llama.
Beier, E. (1999). Oral pharmacokinetic and clinical efficacy profiles of fenbendazole in Llamas, South American Camelids.
Aguilar, C. J. C. (1999). Suplementación de heno y ensillaje de alfalfa para el incremento de peso vivo en llamas ancutas machos.
Linden, R. . (1999). Unique characteristics of llama heavy chain antibody fragments. S.l: s.n.
Meadows, L. E., Frederick Knowlton., & Efficacy of guard llamas (Lama glama) in reducing coyote predation on sheep. (1999). Efficacy of guard llamas (Lamma glama) in reducing canid predation on domestic sheep.
Van, G. Y. (1999). Congenital defects of llamas: A case of congenital facial deformity.
Carmen, A. J. (1999). Supplementation of alfalfa hay and ensilage to increase live weight in male Ancuta Llamas.
DeHart, M. (1999). Bilateral cataracts in a three month old llama.
Isaza, R. (1999). Degenerative myelopathy as a cause of spinal ataxia in llamas.
Powell, S. A. (1999). The relationship of estradiol to embryo-maternal interactions in the llama.
Potts, L. K. (1998). Of lentils and llamas, and other stories from the Palouse & writing truthfully in fiction: An essay.
Aba, M. A. (1998). Hormonal interrelationships in reproduction of female llamas and alpacas. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Al-Ghazawi, M. (1998). Pharmacokinetic analysis of antimicrobials in llamas with theoretical applications.
Aba, M. A. (1998). Hormonal interrelationships in reproduction of female llamas and alpacas. Uppsala.
Cavalcanti, S. M. C. (1997). Evaluation of physical and behavioural traits of llamas (lama glama) associated with aggressiveness towards sheep-threatening canids. Logan, Utah: Utah State University.
Schantz, H. A. (1997). Comparing forage selection and evaluating trampling impacts of horses and llamas in wilderness and backcountry meadows.
Hutchison, J. M. K. (1997). Measurable aspects of the immune response in llamas: An epidemiologic approach.
Cavalcanti, S. M. C. (1997). Evaluation of physical and behavioral traits of llamas (Lama glama) associated with aggressiveness toward sheep-threatening canids.
Potts, L. K. (1997). Of lentils and llamas and other stories from the Palouse.
Kasiwong, S. (1997). Pharmacokinetics of ampicillin, gentamicin, amikacin, and omeprazole in llamas.
Chávez, K. M. (1997). Llamas at home, on the range and in the therapist's chair: Trends in the llama industry in Montana.
Reed, P. J. (1996). Studies on luteinizing hormone and gonadal steroids in male and female llamas (Lama glama).
Patterson, W. A. (1996). Influence of llama, horse, and foot traffic on soil erosion from established recreation trails in western Montana.
Waldridge, B. M. (1996). The effect of subcutaneous selenium administration on whole blood selenium and glutathione peroxidase in llamas.
Aba, M. A. (1995). Studies on the reproductive endocrinology of llamas and alpacas: From mating throughout early pregnancy. Uppsala: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Lichtenwalner, A. (1995). Mechanism of oviductal transport in the mare and reproductive behavior, ejaculatory pattern and seminal parameters in the male llama. Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI Dissertation Services.
Aba, M. A. (1995). Studies on the reproductive endocrinology of llamas and alpacas: From mating throughout early pregnancy. Uppsala: Department of Clinical Chemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Sammells, C. A. (1995). The negotiation of ethnic identity: Multifaceted images of llama meat in La Paz, Bolivia.
Thonemann, L. B. (1994). Does the violence in Juan Rulfo's short stories reflect Mexican society from the era of the Revolution to contemporary times?: A study of some stories from "El Llano en llamas"against the cultural and socio-historic background of Mexico, discussing how the stories relate to violence within the society.
Belmar, B. M. L., Cox, U. J. F., Arias, V. P., Briones, L. M., & Universidad de Concepción (Chile). (1994). Histología del aparato genital tubular de hembra llama <Lama glama>. Chillán: Universidad de Concepción.
Limsakun, T. (1994). Disposition of C₂--H₂₂N₄O₃S in rats and three antiulcer agents in llamas.
Murdande, S. B. (1994). The disposition of four therapeutically important antimicrobial agents in llamas.
Picton, R. A. (1993). Serologic survey of llamas in Oregon for antibodies to viral diseases of livestock. Oregon: State Univ.
Roney, M. W. (1993). Symbolic commentary in El Llano en llamas.
Paggi, J. (1993). Factors in a female birth of a llama cria.
Peters, K. M. (1993). Practice in the translation of poetic discourse: A translation of selected poems from Llama en el Aire by Vidaluz Meneses.
Powell, K. J. (1993). The use of guard llamas to protect sheep from coyote predation.
Yusuf, I. (1993). Antigenic comparison of bovine, ovine, equine, and llama adenoviruses.
Pipas, M. J. (1992). Epizootiology of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in Pennsylvania and implications of transmission from white-tailed deer to llamas.
Mach, R. (1992). LLAMA: A multitasking mobile robot control language designed and optimized for intersystem communication to an expert system.
Adams, G. P. (1991). Ovarian function in llamas and cattle: Factors affecting follicular growth and emergence of follicular waves.
Ebling, G. A. (1991). The biochemical and antibiogram characteristics of aerobic gram negative enteric bacilli from Llamas (Lama glama): A thesis.
Atlee, B. A. (1990). The histology of normal llama skin and mucous membranes. Davis, Calif..
Burke, R. L. (1990). The llama figurine in Andean prehistory: Analysis of llama figurines from the Callejon de Huaylas, Peru.
Harmon, D. A. R. (1989). Llama packing: A guide for the low impact use of llamas in the backcountry.
Leon, J. B. (1989). Reproductive endocrinology and vaginal cytology of the female llama (lama glama).
Ober, R. H. (1988). Mute llama.
Arndt, C. A. (1988). Llama use on public lands.
Rhodes, L. E. (1988). Domestic architecture at Pampa de las Llamas-Moxeke, Peru.
Gavier, M. D. (1987). Evaluation of the combination of xylazine, ketamine and halothane for anesthesia in llamas. Davis, Calif..
Güttler, E. (1986). Untersuchungen über die Haltung, Zucht, Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung und Krankheiten von Lamas in den Anden Argentiniens. Giessen: Justus-Liebig-Universität.
Moseley, M. L. (1982). Anion transport in llama, dog, and human red blood cells.
Deavel, C. C. (1982). Feeding the llamas and the world's smallest pony.
Espinoza, J. E. (1981). Mineral status comparisons between llamas and sheep in the Bolivian Altiplano.
Vallenas, A. (1979). Structural and functional studies of the llama and guanaco stomach.
Lam, C.-H. (1978). The physical properties and processing behaviour of llama fibres. Leeds.
Zavaleta, D. L. E. (1969). An investigation of the digestive enzymes of the llama (Lama glama). Ithaca, N.Y..
England, B. G. (1967). Ovulation, corpus luteum function and estrous behavior in the llama.
ABA, M. A. (1995) Studies on the reproductive endocrinology of llamas and alpacas : from mating throughout early pregnancy. Uppsala, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
ABA, M. A. (1998) Hormonal interrelationships in reproduction of female llamas and alpacas. Uppsala, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
ADAMS, G. P. (1991) Ovarian function in llamas and cattle : factors affecting follicular growth and emergence of follicular waves.
ANTKOWIAK, M. (1999) Malnutrition and hypothermia in a neonatal llama.
ATLEE, B. A. (1990) The histology of normal llama skin and mucous membranes. Davis, Calif.
BEIER, E. (1999) Oral pharmacokinetic and clinical efficacy profiles of fenbendazole in Llamas, South American Camelids.
BURKE, R. L. (1990) The llama figurine in Andean prehistory : analysis of llama figurines from the Callejon de Huaylas, Peru.
CARMEN AGUILAR, J. (1999) Supplementation of alfalfa hay and ensilage to increase live weight in male Ancuta Llamas.
CHáVEZ, K. M. (1997) Llamas at home, on the range and in the therapist's chair : trends in the llama industry in Montana.
DAVIES, H. (2005) Digestibility, nitrogen balance, and blood metabolites in llama and alpaca fed barley and barley alfalfa forages.
DEHART, M. (1999) Bilateral cataracts in a three month old llama.
DELGADO CALLISAYA, P. Ã. N. (2002) Biochemical components of llama seminal plasma at three ages.
DELGADO SANTIVANEZ, D. J. (2003) Perspectivas de la produccion de fibra de llama en Bolivia : potencial y desarrollo de estrategias para mejorar la calidad de la fibra y su aptitud para la comercializacion. Gottingen, Cuvillier
DRUFKE, N. K. (2000) The use of llamas to protect goats, cattle, and poultry from canid predators.
DUCKETT, L. A. (2005) A case of megaesophagus in a llama.
EBLING, G. A. (1991) The biochemical and antibiogram characteristics of aerobic gram negative enteric bacilli from Llamas (Lama glama) : a thesis ...
ENGLAND, B. G. (1967) Ovulation, corpus luteum function and estrous behavior in the llama.
ESPINOZA, J. E. (1981) Mineral status comparisons between llamas and sheep in the Bolivian Altiplano.
ESTÃƑ©VEZ, D. M. A. (2005) Internal sociology of El llano en llamas.
FORSMAN, A. M. (2009) Characterisation of llama antibody fragments able to act as HIV-1 entry inhibitors. University College London (University of London)
FRASER, M. D. (1994) Grazing ecology of goats, red deer and South American camelids.
GAVIER, M. D. (1987) Evaluation of the combination of xylazine, ketamine and halothane for anesthesia in llamas. Davis, Calif.
GONZÃƑ¡LEZ., B. N. (2015) Evaluación del impacto ambiental asociado al uso de nuevos retardantes de llama. Universitat de Barcelona.
GUERRA GóMEZ, P. & . (2011) Análisis de retardantes de llama halogenados emergentes y su impacto en el medio ambiente y en humanos. Universitat de Barcelona
HUTCHISON, J. M. (1997) Measurable aspects of the immune response in llamas : an epidemiologic approach.
ILLANES CALLEJAS, J. (2005) Bloques nutricionales en la suplementación de llamas (Lama glama) en el último tercio de gestación en el CEAC.
ISAZA, R. (1999) Degenerative myelopathy as a cause of spinal ataxia in llamas.
JOOSTEN, V. (2005) Production of bifunctional proteins by Aspergillus awamori : llama variable heavy-chain antibody fragments (VHHS) coupled to Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase (ARP).
JOVCEVSKA, I. (2015) Llama heavy-chain antibody-derived nanobodies as tools to identify protein markers for human glioma : [doctoral dissertation]. Ljubljana
KASIWONG, S. (1997) Pharmacokinetics of ampicillin, gentamicin, amikacin, and omeprazole in llamas.
KOH, W. W. L. A. (2009) Characterisation of subtype C HIV-I envelope glycoproteins and their recognition by llama antibody fragments. University College London (University of London)
LAM, C.-H. (1978) The physical properties and processing behaviour of llama fibres. Leeds
LEóN TITICHOCA, G. A. (2004) Determinación del nivel nutricional de minerales Ca y P en llamas (Lama glama) en dos épocas en el centro experimental agropecuario Condoriri.
LEON, J. B. (1989) Reproductive endocrinology and vaginal cytology of the female llama (lama glama).
LEWIS, W. J. K. (2007) Novel llama antibody fusion proteins as deposition aids for particles containing encapsulated actives for use in industrial applications.
LICHTENWALNER, A. (1995) Mechanism of oviductal transport in the mare and reproductive behavior, ejaculatory pattern and seminal parameters in the male llama.
LINDEN, D. R. (2004) Apparent digestibility of chelated and non-chelated forms of zinc in Llama (Lama glama) and Alpaca (Lama pacos).
LINDEN, R. V. D. (1999) Unique characteristics of llama heavy chain antibody fragments. s.n.]
LOPEZ LOPEZ, L. C. (2008) Hair, feces and breath isotope fractionation in alpacas (llama pacos), llamas (llama glama) and guanacos (llama guanacoe) from Bolivia and Chile.
LUSAT, J. (2011) Importance and management of mange mites and gastrointestinal parasites in alpaca and llama populations in the UK.
MELENDEZ, J. (2000) Serological analysis of llama immunoglobulins.
MOSELEY, M. L. (1982) Anion transport in llama, dog, and human red blood cells.
MOYA, S. L. (2005) Effects of husbandry and low-dose lipopolysaccharide challenge on the acute phase reponse of young pigs : y Sara Llamas Moya.
MURDANDE, S. B. (1994) The disposition of four therapeutically important antimicrobial agents in llamas.
NIEDBALSKA, J. (2010) Severe hepatic necrosis and thromboembolic disease in a llama.
OSMUNDSON, S. D. (2011) Abdominal serosal cysts in an adult male llama (Lama glama).
PAGGI, J. (1993) Factors in a female birth of a llama cria.
PATTERSON, W. A. (1996) Influence of llama, horse, and foot traffic on soil erosion from established recreation trails in western Montana.
PAWLINSKI, S. (2014) Neonatal septicemia in a llama cria.
PETERS, K. M. & MENESES, V. (1993) Practice in the translation of poetic discourse : a translation of selected poems from Llama en el Aire by Vidaluz Meneses
PICTON, R. A. (1993) Serologic survey of llamas in Oregon for antibodies to viral diseases of livestock.
PIPAS, M. J. (1992) Epizootiology of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in Pennsylvania and implications of transmission from white-tailed deer to llamas.
POWELL, S. A. (1999) The relationship of estradiol to embryo-maternal interactions in the llama.
QIAN, J. D.-. (2012) Affinity chromatography of camelid antibodies.
RAMSEY, P. M. (2001) Termination and synchronization of the follicular wave in alpacas and llamas.
RAMSEY, P. M. (2005) Synchronization of the follicular wave exogenesis hormone therapy in llamas and alpacas.
RATTO, M. H. (2006) Ovarian follicular synchronization, ovulation and oocyte development in llamas and alpacas.
REED, P. J. (1996) Studies on luteinizing hormone and gonadal steroids in male and female llamas (Lama glama).
REINER, R. J. (1985) Nutrition of alpacas grazing high altitude rangeland in southern Peru. Texas Tech University
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