Llama clothing

May 28, 2016
New llama attire available on e-bay today, only £4.99! Ideal for mucking out on hot summer's day or leading llamas around the parade ring!


Premature birth

May 28, 2016
Something to share? 
When faced with this situation last night, an unexpected delivery (or at least two weeks early), I got in a bit of a panic. Nothing noticeable developed for a good 40 minutes, all I could see was a face and feet swirling around in a bubble of water. I wasn't hopeful of anything coming out alive. I sought advice over the phone from family and friends and was told to burst the bag, not an easy task with a normally quite feisty female llama who just kept running away. I event...
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January 15, 2016
I have been spending some considerable time developing this website as a gateway to resources on the WWW. It would be helpful to know if people find me sharing this useful or not.
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Consequences of the excessive rain

January 5, 2016
Farmers are familiar with the consequences of excessive rain on grassland pastures and cattle but what about the effects on llamas of standing and even sitting in mud? Not everyone has the opportunity to bring their llamas under cover and some llamas choose to be outside when such cover is available to them. One assumes it can only be bad for them but does anyone know of any research on this? 
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Llama chat

January 5, 2016

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Hillview Llamas

Quality Llama Breeder

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