Library Catalogues and Collections


General - Some of the largest general collections (eg. British Library, Library of Congress, New York Public Library) hold the largest number of titles on llamas and llama related topics. Searching their on-line catalogues can be very helpful in finding information you might wish to consult. If you do not have ready access to these collections you may be able to consult digitised versions on-line or order via inter-library loan arrangements.




General Library Collections

Joint/Shared Catalogues can be useful in locating copies of books you have identified to consult.

National repository exist in most other countries eg

World Cat (For llama content click on the icon to the right)

British Library (For llama content click on the icon to the right)

Library of Congress (For llama content click on the icon to the right)

British Academic OPAC (For llama content click on the icon to the right)




Specialist. -Examples of very large specialist collections, actual and virtual include, with significant llama content include: the US National Library of Medicine



Veterinary Medicine

Many universities supporting study and research in veterinary medicine have resources accessible on-line. Eg. Cambridge,  Edinburgh,  Liverpool, Illinois, etc.

US National Library of Medicine (For llama content click the icon to right)

US Dept. of Agriculture - National Agricultural Library

Veterinary Medicine Electronic Library







© Copyright Hill View Llamas, Frodsham