Articles and Chapters
Pavel P. Solodkov , Alexander M. Najakshin , Nikolai A. Chikaev , Sergey V. Kulemzin , Ludmila V. Mechetina , Konstantin O. Baranov , Sergey V. Guselnikov , Andrey A. Gorchakov , Tatyana N. Belovezhets , Anton N. Chikaev , Olga Y. Volkova , Alexander G. Markhaev , Yulia V. Kononova , Alexander Y. Alekseev , Marina A. Gulyaeva , Alexander M. Shestopalov , Alexander V. Taranin
Serial llama immunization with various SARS-CoV-2 RBD variants induces broad spectrum virus-neutralizing nanobodies.
Vaccines Vol. 11
Matthias Gerhard Wagener , Max Kornblum , Martin Ganter , Frederik Kiene
Characterization of white blood cell ratios in South American camelids presented at a veterinary teaching hospital.
Scientific Reports Vol. 14
Ekkehard Hiller , Verena Hörz , Reinhard Sting
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis: whole genome sequencing reveals unforeseen and relevant genetic diversity in this pathogen.
PLoS ONE Vol. 19
Diana S. Gliga , Anne Kramer , Gastón Moré , Caroline F. Frey , Walter Basso
Early detection and management of Lamanema chavezi infection in a llama (Lama glama) in Switzerland.
Veterinary Research Communications Vol. 48 pp. 3365-3369P
Sarah N. Wieser , Maria M. Cafrune , Sandra R. Romero , Leonhard Schnittger , Monica Florin-Christensen
Molecular identification of Sarcocystis aucheniae in the wild South American camelid Vicugna vicugna.
Veterinary Research Communications Vol. 48 pp. 3429-3435.
r , Eva-Maria Bartl , Lisa Ulrich , Axel Wehrend
Castration of the South American camelid stallion.
Henrik Wagne Praktische Tierarzt Vol. 105 pp. 1026-1036
F. E. Sosa, A. A. Quiroga, D. M. Medina, J. F. Micheloud
… mange in herds of llamas (Lama glama) raised in the high plateau region (Puna) of the province of Jujuy, Argentina. Mange-compatible lesions were found in 2 out of 45 examined llama herds, in which, respectively, 7 and one affected animals were …
Regional Studies 2024
Hannah Eggimann , Isabelle Rediger , Gaby Hirsbrunner , Patrik Zanolari
Infectious and non-infectious causes for pregnancy loss in South American camelids - a review.
Animal Reproduction Science Vol. 268 pp.
Michel Victor Hubert Hick , Eduardo Narciso Frank , María Flavia Castillo , Alejandro Prieto , Alfonso Flores Gutiérrez
Determination of fiber quality in llama troops from five communities originating from the Puna of Jujuy, Argentina.
Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal Vol. 32 pp. 109-115.
Abstract PDF (687.2 KB)
Katrien M. J. A. van den Brink , Inge M. G. A. Santman-Berends , Liesbeth Harkema , Christian G. M. Scherpenzeel , Eveline Dijkstra , Petra I. H. Bisschop , Karianne Peterson , Nienke Snijders van de Burgwal , Hubert W. F. Waldeck , Thomas Dijkstra , Melle Holwerda , Marcel A. H. Spierenburg , René van den Brom
Bluetongue virus serotype 3 in ruminants in the Netherlands: clinical signs, seroprevalence and pathological findings.
Veterinary Record Vol. 195 pp.
Raúl E. Marin , Francisco A. Uzal
Lisosomal storage disease caused by ingestion of Astragalus spp in llamas: an emergent concern.
Veterinary Research Communications Vol. 48 pp. 1999-2005.
Christina Puff , Sven Kleinschmidt , Patricia Kammeyer , Alexandra von Altrock , Michael Wendt , Matthias Gerhard Wagener
Pathological findings in South American camelids presented at a farm animal clinic in Northern Germany (2005-2021).
Veterinary Research Communications Vol. 48 pp. 2121-2134.
Faustina , Mamani-Linares Lindón Willy
Indicators of energy metabolism in llamas (Lama glama) in the prepartium, postpartum and lactation transition period.
Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science Vol. 11 pp. 65-79.
Avinash Premraj , Abi George Aleyas , Binita Nautiyal , Thaha Jamal Rasool
First report of a chemokine from camelids: dromedary CXCL8 is induced by poxvirus and heavy metal toxicity.
Developmental and Comparative Immunology Vol. 161pp.
M Hammarén
Inspired by camelids: nanobodies are a magnificent molecular velcro Understand article
… Camelid animals, including alpacas, camels, and llamas, play important roles as
a means of transport and a source of milk, meat, and fibre, … Figure 1: Camelids,
like these llamas at the Tiahuanaco archaeological site in Bolivia, are adapted for …
L. Rossetto , C. P. Bianchi , M. Miragaya , G. F. Franco , M. Rodríguez , J. M. Herrera , M. F. Gallelli
Effect of synthetic eCG like glycoprotein on follicular development and embryo recovery in llamas.
Small Ruminant Research Vol. 236.
M. H. Rosove
Hemoglobin and Red Cell Adaptation When Oxygen Is Lacking
in Life's Blood: The Story of Hemoglobin, 2024
… Vicuñas and llamas do not increase red cell production because they presumably
do not need to. The guanaco, however, with the least left… In a fascinating and
elucidating 1978 paper titled “Human llamas”, Herbel and colleagues identified a …
F. E. Sosa, D. M. Medina, J. F. Micheloud, H. M. Borsetti
First report on the occurrence of psoroptic mange in llamas (Lama glama) of the Andean region
Parasitology Research, 2024
An outbreak of Psoroptes sp.-caused mange was detected in a llama herd of Larcas, Jujuy province, Argentina. Infested … the sequences of the Larcas llamas and US bighorn sheep isolates. This is the first report on P. ovis infestation of llamas …
Pinasco, A.
Cosmovisiones/Cosmovisões, 2024
G. Kleinau, B. Chini, L. Andersson, P. Scheerer -
… de la “Llama celestial”, la Yacana. En documentos etnohistóricos de la Sierra central del Perú, la llama está explícitamente relacionada a la … Así, esta
alineación del ingreso principal al santuario, dirigida hacia los “Ojos de la Llama” …
The role of G protein-coupled receptors and their ligands in animal domestication
Animal genetics
… motivations for domesticating animals were, and still are, producing food and materials (eg meat, eggs, honey or milk products, wool, leather products, jewelry and medication products) to support plowing in agriculture or in transportation (eg
Benha Veterinary Medical Journal
S. A. Elfky, E. M. Elzoghby, H. F. Attia, M. A. Emam
… The second genus contains the llama, a captivating creature with four species:
the domesticated llama, llama pacos, and alpaca; the wild llama guanaco, and the llama vicugna, each exhibiting unique characteristics (Khanna et al., 2004)
Carola Melo-Rojas, P. Walter Bravo-Matheus, José Carlos Arias-Flores and Celso Zapata-Coacalla
Gen KIT variants and its relation to grey, white, and blue eyes (BEW phetnotype) in alpacas.
ITEA, Vol. 120: 168-178.
A. E. Nielsen
Herders and Llamas, Companion Species in the Southern Andes During the Last Three Millenia
Construction: Ethnobiology in the …, 2024
Prickly Paradigm Press, Chicago, 2003) between humans and llamas which has lasted for more than three millennia. This paper explores the symbolic and affective aspects of this relationship through the consideration of ethnographic, historic, and
Herders and Llamas, Companion Species in the Southern Andes During the Last Three Millenia
A. E. Nielsen
… Herders call llamas and alpacas by their personal names, address them as “dear” or “little boy/girl,” ask them kindly to do things (move on, stay, enter the corral, etc.), embellish them with colorful ornaments, and make every effort to reduce their …
Diego M. Medina, Francisco Acuña, Marcos Abalos, Laura S. Aguirre,
Eutrombicula cochinocaensis infestation in llamas (Lama glama) in the Puna region of Argentina.
Veterinary Research Communications, Vol. 48: 1831-1835.
M. D. Quispe Bonilla, J. D. Trigo Vilaseca
No significant differences were found (p-value= 0.368) by comparing the number
of hits against the total number of alpaca, llama, vicuña, mohair and cashmere fibers
using DNN. As per the results, it seems that DNN is more accurate than SVM. In …
Ulla Reimers, Martin Ganter, and Matthias Gerhard Wagener, Johannes Buchallik-Schregel, Frederik Kiene, Juliane Buchallik, Hannah Marahrens, Nina Ossowski, Carolin Viktoria Schumacher, Berit Gerstel
Relationships between body condition score, body weight and body measurements in alpacas.
Irish Veterinary Journal, Vol. 77
Blake Miller and K. Fred Gingrich II
Camelid care essentials: managing common diseases and disorders.
Proceedings of the Seventh Recent Graduate Conference. American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 9-10
February 2024: 88-88.
Lindón Willy Mamani-Linares and Faustina Cayo-Rojas
Effect of concentrate supplementation on the grazing and social behaviour of young llamas (Lama glama) in the Bolivian Altiplano.
Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science, Vol. 10: 30-38.
F. Koch-Nolte, Clemer Abad, Heather Fritz, Omar Gonzales-Viera, Eileen E. Henderson and Heindrich Snyman
Fatal septicemia in 2 South American camelids with caudal C3-pyloric-duodenal adenocarcinoma.
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, Vol. 36: 473-476.
F. Koch-Nolte
Nanobody-based heavy chain antibodies and chimeric antibodies
Immunological reviews
Nanobodies are the products of an intriguing invention in the evolution of
immunoglobulins. This invention can be traced back approximately 45 million years
to the common ancestor of extant dromedaries, camels, llamas, and alpacas. Next to …
M. G. Wagener, S. Neubert, F. Kiene, J. Buchallik-Schregel
Scientific Reports, 2024
… Another pathogen associated with anemia in alpacas and llamas is Candidatus
Mycoplasma haemolamae (CMh) 3,7 . Formerly known as Eperythrozoon, the
pathogen is a wall-less, hemotropic bacterium that is regularly detected in the blood …
Flavio E. Merlo-Maydana, Francisco Flores-Lopez, Israel Quispe-Turpo, Héctor A. Lee-Rangel, Juan Carlos Angeles-Hernandez, Rodrigo Portillo-Salgado, Mohammed Benaouda, Alfonso J. Chay Canul, and Einar Vargas-Bello-Pérez
Predicting body weight through biometric measurements in Bolivianl llamas.
Chilean Journal of Agricultural & Animal Sciences, Vol. 40: 150-159.
W. Poma
Camelid grazing and territorial organization in the free community of Chacaltaya
Temas Sociales, 2024
… Se trataba de trayectos largos que solo animales fuertes y eficientes en el consumo de agua como la llama podrían hacerlo. Ximena Medinaceli (2015) es enfática al considerar que las comunidades de pastores –sariris– tienen un largo
Blake Miller and K. Fred Gingrich II
Setting up yearly preventive health plan for sheep, goats, camelids.
Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Conference, American Association of Bovine Practitioners, Long Beach, California, USA, 22-24 September 2022: 149-150.
R. H. Duarte
Llamas Beyond the Andes: Untold Histories of Camelids in the Modern World by Marcia Stephenson
Journal of Latin American Geography, 2024
… The french naturalist isidore Geoffroy de Saint-Hilaire got excited when a flock of alpacas and llamas arrived in the port of Bordeaux in 1860. … Local peoples were confident that, despite domesticating and selective breeding of llamas and alpacas.
Ester Malmström, Robert C. Cole, Erik H. Hofmeister, Jere K. Stern and Thomas Passler
Comparison of atlantoaxial and lumbosacral cerebrospinal fluid centesis techniques in South American camelids.
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Vol. 38: 1232-1239.
Belgian, U.S. scientists look to llama in search for COVID-19 treatment - Yahoo News
A llama called Winter could prove useful in the hunt for a treatment for COVID-19, according to U.S. and Belgian scientists who have identified a ...
H. Priyashantha
This paper summarises current literature and discusses changes to fatty acid
composition (including omega-3 concentrations), fattiness, and associated quality
traits of sheep, goat, beef cattle, alpaca, and llama meat that can be achieved by …
Eric N. Ponnampalam, Hasitha Priyashantha, Janak K. Vidanarachchi, Ali Kiani, and Benjamin W. B. Holman
Effects of nutritional factors on fat content, fatty acid composition, and sensorial properties of meat and milk from domesticated ruminants: an overview.
Animals, Vol. 14
A. G. Pietrek, K. L. Cockle, A. E. Izquierdo, V. S. Berrios…
PLOS ONE, 2024
… If plovers avoid llamas and vicuñas by using different peatlands, we predict plover occupancy to be negatively associated with number of llamas and vicuñas. If plovers tolerate llamas and vicuñas in the same peatlands (at current densities), we predict …
É. Biémont
Astronomy in the Andes The Incas' Sky: From Myths to History and Astronomy, 2024
… Llamas were connected to the agricultural cycles of the Incas through sacrifices.
Polo de … llamas were sacrificed at planting time (from August to September), white
and black llamas were sacrificed to obtain rain and abundant herds, and the …
D. S. Gliga, A. Kramer, G. Moré, C. F. Frey, W. Basso
Early Detection and Management of Lamanema chavezi infection in a llama (Lama glama) in Switzerland
Veterinary Research …, 2024
… of llamas bred in … llama with classic coat type was part of a herd of nine females
and 16 further neutered males, aged from six months to 19 years, most animals
ranging from nine to 15 years old. The herd had open access to a pasture, shared
M. G. Wagener, F. Kiene, J. Buchallik-Schregel, P. Röhrig…
American Journal of …, 2024
… The objective of this study was to provide orientation values for fructosamine in adult llamas and to characterize relationships with other laboratory and clinical parameters. … To obtain preliminary information on this parameter in llamas, we …
T. Wuliji
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2024
… Vicuna fiber of same diameter possessed the higher CSF than llama and alpacas.
The EDS measured elemental profile, especially N and S content was significantly (P<
0.01) high in animal fiber and differed from non-animal fibers. Therefore, the N and S
M. V. H. Hick, E. N. Frank, M. F. Castillo, A. Prieto…
- … de Producción Animal, 2024
Al noroeste de Abra Pampa, en la Puna Jujeña, existen comunidades originarias que buscan conocer la calidad de la fibra y así mitigar la incertidumbre que se genera y promover la esquila de los animales. Se realizó un primer relevamiento …
Matthias Gerhard Wagener, Hannah Marahrens, and Martin Ganter
Anaemia in South American camelids - an overview of clinical and laboratory diagnostics.
Veterinary Research Communications, Vol. 48: 633-647.
Matthias Gerhard Wagener, Martin Ganter, and Sabine Leonhard-Marek
Body condition scoring in alpacas (Vicugna pacos) and llamas (Lama glama) - a scoping review.
Veterinary Research Communications, Vol. 48: 665-684.
F. Gallelli, E. Zampini, V. Trasorras, M. I. Carretero, M. Bertuzzi, V. Amusquibar, M. Pereira, and C. P. Bianchi
Haematology and biochemistry in healthy llamas at sea level.
Veterinary Research Communications, Vol. 48: 1253-1256.
H. Eggimann, I. Rediger, G. Hirsbrunner, P. Zanolari
Infectious and non-infectious causes for pregnancy loss in South American camelids–a review
Animal Reproduction Science, 2024
… The lesions caused by Brucella abortus in the llama dam were comparable to those seen in cattle, as Brucella abortus was isolated from the mammary gland, lymph nodes and placenta of the dam when the llama was necropsied after abortion …
Braz Junior Campos Farias, Anderson Makoto Kayano, Marcos Barros Luiz, Anderson Maciel de Lima, Michelle Suelen da Silva Morais, Laryssa Moreira Mendes, Hallison Mota Santana, Nidiane Dantas Reis Prado, Sibele Andrade Roberto, Andreimar Martins Soares, Juliana Pavan Zuliani, Soraya dos Santos Pereira, and Carla Freire Celedonio Fernandes
Expanding anti-venom strategies: camelid polyclonal antibodies with high capacity to recognize snake venom.
Toxicon, Vol. 247
S. N, Wieser, M, M, Cafrune, S, R, Romero, L, Schnittger… -
Molecular identification of Sarcocystis aucheniae in the wild South American camelid Vicugna vicugna
Veterinary Research …, 2024
… Multiple sequence alignment showed 100% identity among sequences of the three llama isolates. Also, cox-1 sequences from the … % identity with respect to the llama isolates. The cox-1 sequence from vicuña was more closely related to the
AlexandraHund, Thomas Wittek, Ursa Selan, Annemarie Käsbohrer, and Clair L. Firth
Most common diagnoses and antibiotics used in South American camelid patients at a university clinic in Austria.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Vol. 10
Madison R. Baker, Andrew J. Niehaus, Matt D. Miesner, Joseph W. , Lozier, Brianna A. Jordan, Michelle K. Carman, Jennifer Clark, and David E. Anderson
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction prevalence is 0.3% among alpacas evaluated with ophthalmic disease at a veterinary teaching hospital between 2000 and 2023.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 262
Elisa Castaldo, Francesco Buono, and Vincenzo Veneziano Summa,
Main parasitic diseases in South American Camelids.
Animali da Reddito, Vol. 19: 31-37.
C. Berardo, R. Holland, A. Schaffer, A. Lopez Caicoya
Perception of optical illusions in ungulates: insights from goats, sheep, guanacos and llamas
Animal Cognition, 2024
Optical illusions have long been used in behavioural studies to investigate the perceptual mechanisms underlying vision in animals. So far, three studies have focused on ungulates, providing evidence that they may be susceptible to some ...
K. Compitus, S. M. Bierbower
Cow cuddling: Cognitive considerations in bovine-assisted therapy
Human-Animal Interactions, 2024
… Organizations that certify therapy animals will sometimes certify several species of animals to work as a therapeutic partner, such as llamas, miniature horses, and rabbits. However, to date there has been little research addressing the therapeutic …
Jesús Quispe, Virgilio Machaca, Edith Alendez, Diana Quispe, Víctor Bustinza, and Roger Machaca
Textile characteristics of the down fibers of ch'aku llamas (Lama glama) from the humid Puna - Kishuara - Andahuaylas - Apurímac.
IDESIA, Vol. 41: 15-23.
R. E. Marin, F. A. Uzal
Lisosomal storage disease caused by ingestion of Astragalus spp in llamas: an emergent concern
Veterinary Research Communications, 2024
… Two species of Astragalus (ie Astragalus garbancillo and Astragalus punae) have been found to cause neurologic disease in llamas. In addition, A. garbancillo was also associated with malformations in the offspring, and possibly abortions and …
Pauciullo, C. Versace, S. Miretti, I. J. Giambra, G. Gaspa, N. Pauciullo, C. Versace, S. Miretti, I. J. Giambra, G. Gaspa, N. Letaief, and G. Cosenza
Genetic variability among and within domestic Old and New World camels at the α-lactalbumin gene (LALBA) reveals new alleles and polymorphisms responsible for differential expression.
Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 107: 1068-1084.
B. Miller
Camelid care essentials: Managing common diseases and disorders
American Association of Bovine Practitioners …, 2024
This presentation aims to highlight crucial aspects of managing common diseases and disorders in camelids, focusing on llamas and alpacas. With their unique physiological traits and health requirements, camelids present a distinct set of …
J. Xu, T. Zhou, K. McKee, B. Zhang, C. Liu, A. F. Nazzari
Ultrapotent Broadly Neutralizing Human‐llama Bispecific Antibodies against HIV‐1
Advanced Science
… This study describes the immunization of a llama with the prefusion-stabilized HIV-1 envelope (Env) trimer, BG505 DS-SOSIP, and the … Two of the vaccine-elicited CD4bs-targeting nanobodies, G36 and R27, when engineered into a triple tandem …
Christian Bauer, Jörg Hirzmann, Jana Petzold, Manfred Henrich, Henrik Wagner, Viktor Dyachenko, and Iris Völker
First detection of autochthonous Lamanema chavezi infections in llamas (Lama glama) in Europe.
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, Vol. 47
F. E. Merlo-Maydana, F. Flores-Lopez, I. Quispe-Turpo
Chilean Journal of …, 2024
… predict BW of llamas under field conditions is scarce. Thus, the objectives of this study are 1) to evaluate the relationships between the llama BW and the biometric information measured at the farm level, and 2) to develop predictive models for BW …
A. Windus, C. Mardones
Festive Arches in the Andean Altiplano. Materialities, Ephemeral Architecture and Ontological Status
Revista Brasileira de História, 2024
… Our first examples are two arches from Rosapata, a settlement of llama farmers that forms a small hamlet (estancia), located northwest from Curahuara, a few kilometers away from the main road. Its chapel is built on a hill, which is considered ..
M. Mullin, J. McClory, W. Haynes, J. Grace, N. Robertson
mAbs, 2024
… of human and llama antibodies using oval shapes for domains connected together by lines into a Y-shape. One of the llama oval shapes … VHH antibodies are typically sourced from either alpacas or llamas after immunization with an …
Elisa Castaldo, Francesco Buono, and Vincenzo Veneziano Summa
The main endoparasites of South American Camelids.
Animali da Reddito, Vol. 18: 3-23.
A. B. Duche-Pérez, L. J. Mamani-Daza
Religions, 2024
… : the initial one is linked to the farewell rituals for the llamas at the beginning of the journey, the second celebrates the return of the llama herders who left for the “barter”, the third consists of the ritual of the return of the llama herders and the offering of …
A. Giri, K. R. Babu, S. Subba, A. Karmakar
Economic Perspectives of Camelids: Harnessing the Potential of Unique Livestock
… Llamas serve as pack animals, carrying loads over rugged terrains where mechanized transportation is impractical. Furthermore, … Camel safaris in desert
landscapes, llama treks in the Andes, and vicuña conservation tours contribute to …
Kacper Konieczny and Małgorzata Pomorska-Mól
A literature review of selected bacterial diseases in alpacas and llamas - epidemiology, clinical signs and diagnostics.
Animals, Vol. 14
M. R. Baker, A. J. Niehaus, M. D. Miesner, J. W. Lozier… -
The main endoparasites of South American Camelids.
Journal of the American …, 2024
… The remaining 2 animals were llamas. A total of 8,027 alpacas and 1,998 llamas were seen between 2000 and 2022 (80% alpacas and 20% llamas) at 1 teaching institution. The total number of alpacas and llamas was not available for the second …
S. Neubert, C. Puff, S. Kleinschmidt, P. Kammeyer… -
Veterinary Research …, 2024
… To expand the knowledge about common diseases in llamas and alpacas in llama farms conducted in 2020, we found that more than half of those farms had started keeping South American camelids (SACs) in the previous six years, with …
J. G. Matlock, B. Hilton, R. Sheldrake, P. Smart, M. Nahm
After-Death Communications (ADCs) from Non-Human Animals: Parallels with Human ADCs
… chose to leave after his companion llama Grandpa died of old age. Al E. and I were both … I quickly arranged to have two more llamas delivered to keep him company; llamas being … early every morning before dawn to feed the new llamas. I …
Graham R. Duncanson
Farm animal medicine and surgery: for small animal veterinarians:
E. R. Wenger
… llama because they are often housed and cared for in a very similar manner. The
gut and oral microbiome in most mammals have proven to be similar, especially in
animals that chew cud like llamas … This project will be submitting samples from …
L. E. A. Eyssen, S. Ramadurai, S. Abdelkarim, I. Buckle… -
From llama to nanobody: a streamlined workflow for the generation of functionalised VHHs
Bio-Protocol, 2024
… From our work in producing nanobodies to over sixty different proteins, we present a standardised workflow for nanobody discovery from llama immunisation, library building, panning, and small-scale expression for prioritisation of binding …
A. Sparnon, J. Smith, P. Y. Mulon, S. Hecht, D. Anderson… -
Tooth Root Abscess and Mandibular Infections in Old World Camelids: 3 Cases
Case Reports in Veterinary …, 2024
… of similar infections in New World Camelids such as llamas and alpacas. The purpose of this case … Similar to llamas, florfenicol was used for antimicrobial therapy and flunixin meglumine was … and tooth root infections in camels as …
M. Quispe, J. D. Trigo, L. Serrano-Arriezu, J. Huere
The Journal of The Textile …, 2024
… No significant differences were found (p-value = 0.368) by comparing the number of hits against the total number of alpaca, llama, vicuña, mohair and cashmere fibers using DNN. As per the results, it seems that DNN is more accurate than SVM. In …
C Abad, H Fritz, O Gonzales-Viera -
Fatal septicemia in 2 South American camelids with caudal C3-pyloric-duodenal adenocarcinoma
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 2024
… We describe here cases of gastroduodenal adenocarcinoma in an adult alpaca (Vicugna
pacos) and a llama (Llama glama); both SACs were anorectic and lethargic before death. At autopsy, a prominent and firm caudal C3-pyloric-duodenal junction with …
D. C. A. Cortes, M. O. Heitrich, M. M. Fernandez, S. Werbajh…
Development of novel mono and bivalent nanobodies against EGFR for targeted cancer therapy
Cancer Research, 2024
… Methods: The Nb library was constructed following llama immunization with cells overexpressing EGFR. After three rounds of panning the phage-display library (both in solid phase and solution), individual clones were screened for EGFR reactivity …
E. G. C. Alave, B. T. Felix
The main objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the hyperimmune llama serum (Lama glama) as a neutralizer of the lethal activity … In our study, the llama hyperimmune serum presented a neutralizing power of 3.6 mg/mL
Stefano Pallotti, Matteo Picciolini, Marco Antonini, Carlo Renieri and Valerio Napolioni
Genome-wide scan for runs of homozygosity in South American Camelids.
BMC Genomics, Vol. 24
U. H. P. Guerra, Y. M. Q. Barriga, N. L. Mamani… -
Animal Reproduction, 2024
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three doses of equine
chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) for ovarian superstimulation on ovarian response,
follicular development and cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) collection in llamas …
Stefano Pallotti, Matteo Picciolini, Marco Antonini, Carlo Renieri, and Valerio Napolion Genome-wide scan for runs of homozygosity in South American Camelids. BMC Genomics, Vol. 24. 2024.
Edgar Quispe Peña, Virgilio Machaca Machaca, Valeriano Paucara Ocsa, Rufino Paucar-Chanca, Max Escobedo Enriquez, Jorge Luis Huere Peña and Jorge Luis Aliaga Gutiérrez
Evaluation of down and coarse fibres of llamas (Lama glama) k'Ara raised in high Andean conditions of Peru.
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú (RIVEP), Vol. 34, 2024
Verónica Rojo, Fernando R. Momo, Yanina Arzamendia, Jorge L. Baldo, and Bibiana L. Vilá
Sustainability of animal stocks in traditional pastoral systems of the high-altitude Andean Altiplano.
Rangeland Ecology & Management, Vol. 90: 195-207.
Matthias Gerhard Wagener, Teresa Maria Punsmann, Sven Kleinschmidt, Ralf Surholt, Saskia Neubert, Hannah Marahrens, Thekla Großmann, and Martin Ganter
Severe anaemia secondary to a perforated gastric ulcer in a male alpaca.
Irish Veterinary Journal, Vol. 76, 2024.
Bona, Eileen
The Three Agendas of Animal-assisted Therapy Animal-assisted Interventions: Recognizing and Mitigating Potential Welfare Challenges.
in Lori Kogan Ed. Animal-assisted Interventions Recognizing and Mitigating Potential Welfare Challenges
This chapter explores the reality of the impact of the human agenda on the animals involved in animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Therapists have a clinical agenda to reach with their client. Clients have an agenda to interact with the animal in certain ways yet animals are sentient beings with their own feelings, wants, needs, and preferences. Ethical AAT practice considers all three agendas and ensures that the animals in practice are both comfortable and receiving enjoyment in all AAT interactions. The chapter explores this concept through two very different case examples
Alejandra N. C. Castro, Mariano Carrica Illia, Pamela A. Lendez, María Carrica Illia, Bárbara Zimmermann, Galy J. Mendoza Torres, Marcelo
Histological features of the liver of the llama (Lama glama).
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú (RIVEP), Vol. 34
Carola Melo, M. Walter Bravo, A. Máximo Melo, and C. Celso Zapata
FGF5 gene involvement on fibre length of South American camelids.
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú (RIVEP), Vol. 34.
María Carmen Sánchez, Ana Herráiz, Sindy Tigre, Arancha Llama-Palacios, Marta Hernández, María José Ciudad, and Luis Collado
Evidence of the beneficial impact of three probiotic-based food supplements on the composition and metabolic activity of the intestinal microbiota in healthy individuals: an ex vivo study.
Nutrients, Vol. 15
Added 10.01.2024
Alejandra N. C. Castro, Mariano Carrica Illia, Pamela A. Lendez, María Carrica Illia, Bárbara Zimmermann, Galy J. Mendoza Torres, Marcelo
Histological features of the liver of the llama (Lama glama).
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú (RIVEP), Vol. 34
Carola Melo, M. Walter Bravo, A. Máximo Melo, and C. Celso Zapata
FGF5 gene involvement on fibre length of South American camelids.
Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú (RIVEP), Vol. 34.
María Carmen Sánchez, Ana Herráiz, Sindy Tigre, Arancha Llama-Palacios, Marta Hernández, María José Ciudad, and Luis Collado
Nutrients, Vol. 15
Added 4.1.2024
S. N. Wieser, S. M. Giuliano, J. R. Ordoñez, X. B. Marcapura… -
Sarcocystis spp. of New and Old World Camelids: Ancient Origin, Present Challenges
Added 2.1.2024
R. A. Carrasco, O. A. Bogle, M. H. Ratto, C. Ulloa-Leal… -
Predictive characteristics of male fertility in alpacas with special reference to seminal NGF
Theriogenology, 2023
… Consistent with this observation, results of a more recent study showed that
llamas mated with a urethrostomized male failed to ovulate while llamas mated with
an intact male did ovulate [11]. Initially the seminal factor responsible was referred to …
K. Konieczny, M. Pomorska-Mól
Animals, 2023
Simple Summary Over the last decade or more, New World Camelids, particularly
llamas and alpacas have become popular farm animals all over the world. Many
owners consider these animals as pets, resulting in closer contact between them …
M. G. Wagener, M. Ganter, S. Leonhard-Marek
Body condition scoring in alpacas (Vicugna pacos) and llamas (Lama glama)–a scoping review
Veterinary Research Communications, 2023
… and llamas. It was noticeable that all sources from the USA except one (T5)
included llamas, while all sources from outside the USA described alpacas but
contained llamas … Furthermore, a temporal trend between the relevance of llamas …
S. Jindal, D. V. Pedersen, N. Gera, J. Chandler, R. Patel
Molecular Immunology, 2024
… Briefly, VHH phage libraries were constructed with cDNA from the peripheral
blood mononuclear cells of llamas immunized with either human C5 (hC5) or HSA (Human
C5 CompTech, catalog number [cat #] A120, Lot # 19d, HSA Sigma, cat# A5843-5G).
M. F. Gallelli, E. Zampini, V. Trasorras, M. I. Carretero…
Haematology and biochemistry in healthy llamas at sea level
Veterinary Research …, 2023.
J. Clinquart, C. Coene, B. Pardon
… In the last years, there has been an increasing interest in llamas, not only as part
of a productive system, but mostly as … few llamas and details about their health
status are not available. The present study aims to provide haematological and …
A. Pauciullo, C. Versace, S. Miretti, I. J. Giambra, G. Gaspa
Genetic variability among and within domestic Old and New World camels at the α-lactalbumin gene (LALBA) reveals new alleles and polymorphisms responsible for differential expression
Objective As in other mammals, the neonatal period is accompanied by many
challenges for the newborn cria with a high incidence of illness. Because of this high
occurrence and the increasing popularity of South American camelids in Belgium …
B. R. Lee, Y. Seif, K. Teng, X. Xiao, I. Verma, M. T. Chen… -
Journal of Dairy Science, 2023.
… for domestic camelids (dromedary, Bactrian camel, alpaca, and llama). The gene
analysis revealed a conserved structure among the camelids… Bactrian camel, 22
in the alpaca, and 12 in the llama), whereas interspecies comparison showed 86 …
A. I. Khalafalla, M. Dadar, A. Sazmand
Ab-DeepGA: A generative modeling framework leveraging deep learning for antibody affinity tuning
New Frontiers of AI for …, 2023
… Starting from a combined phage-yeast display experiment against a target antigen,
we sorted and sequenced antigen-specific, llama-derived heavy-chain only
antibodies ($V_{HH}$) with a wide range of binding affinities. This data was used to …
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Current Knowledge on Camelids Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
We invited camelid scientists across the globe to submit their research on camelid
diseases to highlight the importance of diseases of camelids, including Old World
camels (OWC; onehumped dromedary and two-humped Bactrian camels) and New …
V. M. Minatel, C. R. Prudencio, B. Barraviera, R. S. Ferreira Jr
Nanobodies: A Promising Approach to Treatment of Viral Diseases
Frontiers in Immunology
Since their discovery in the 1990s, heavy chain antibodies have garnered significant
interest in the scientific community. These antibodies, found in camelids such as
llamas and alpacas, exhibit distinct characteristics from conventional antibodies due …
M. Kwasnik, J. Rola, W. Rozek -
Influenza D in Domestic and Wild Animals
Viruses, 2023
… Among wild and captive animals, IDV infections have been confirmed in feral pigs,
wild boars, deer, hedgehogs, giraffes, wildebeests, kangaroos, wallabies, and llamas.
The transmission potential and host range of IDV may contribute to future viral …
M. G. Zaki, T. A. Baraka, M. A. Elkhiat, M. R. Younis… -
Tropical Animal Health and …, 2023
… of llama and determine the influence of sex and season on these parameters
under Egyptian conditions. The study was performed on (n = 38; 22 female, 16 male;
1–7 years) apparently healthy llamas … the hematobiochemical and fore stomach …
E. M. Struijf
Nanobodies targeting complement: Detecting and blocking complement activation
… We aimed to develop llama-derived nanobodies directed towards different complement components. In this thesis, we focused on central complement component C5 and activation products C3b and C5b6. To obtain complement …
L. A. Gomez-Puerta, J. Olazabal, S. Paredes, J. Lopez
Acta Tropica, 2023
… haemolamae has been reported in alpacas and llamas from Peru, Chile, the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. However, studies on hemotropic mycoplasmas in wild South American camelids are limited. For this …
J. W. Eerkens, K. J. Vaughn, M. Linares-Grados…
Latin American Antiquity, 2023
We examined stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S) of camelid, cavid, and cervid
remains from Upanca, an archaeological site located in the Southern Nasca Region
on the south coast of Peru. Occupation at the site began in the Middle Archaic (around …
A. Romero, G. Gutiérrez, D. Oré
Small Ruminant Research, 2023
… -rich repeats (LRR) of TLR2 and TLR4 in three species of camelids from the new
world. The genetic diversity was evaluated in the LRR of … These results suggest
that years of interference in the natural development of South American camelids …
C. A. T. Barreda
Mikhuspa Ukyaspa Ima Tinkuyku: Food and Drinks as Mediators of Encounters in Andean Festivals
Latin American Research Review, 2023
Mikhuspa ukyaspa ima tinkuyku is Quechua for “eating and drinking, we encounter
one another.” Food and drinks have historically been important mediators in the
development and renewal of relationships of reciprocity in the Andean region. This …
Y. Lu, S. Li, W. Wu
Llama-Derived Single-Chain Antibody for Targeting CD20 in B-Cell Lymphoma
Ann Clin Case Rep. 2023; 8
… to obtain a single-domain anti-CD20 antibody from an immune Llama phage
display library. … The Llama serum was used as a control prior to immunization, and
the Llama was … collected from the Llama jugular vein, and the anti-CD20 antibody …
J. F. Aller, M. C. Abalos, F. A. Acuña, R. Virgili, F. Requena…
… profile in llamas (Lama glama) treated with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG)
for ovarian superstimulation. Female llamas were randomly assigned (n = 10 llamas
per group… On Day 3 llamas were intramuscularly treated with 1000 IU of eCG. The ..
S. Sun, Y. Zhang, J. Yan, Y. Gao, D. Ong, B. Chen, J. Su - ar
Xiv preprint arXiv:2310.10190, 2023
… , we observe some performance improvements on LLaMA and GPT-3.5 with 1SL
and 5SL. For example, the performance of GPT-3.5 on the GeoQuery dataset
improves from 15.4% to 42.3% with 1SL, while the performance of LLama on the...
P. W. B. Matheus
Sperm Physiology of South American Camelids
The sperm physiology of South American camelids from samples collected by
vaginal aspiration of the ejaculate reveals that it is perfectly sound for semen
analysis. There are no significant differences between llama and alpaca semen
W. Salmen, L. Hu, M. Bok, N. Chaimongkol, K. Ettayebi…
… Here, we show that a llama-derived nanobody M4 neutralizes multiple GII.4
variants with high potency in human intestinal enteroids. The crystal structure of M4
complexed with the protruding domain of the GII.4 capsid protein VP1 revealed a ..
Nature Communications, 2023
A. J. Hamilton -
Unseeing Art History: Inca Material Culture
The Routledge Companion to Decolonizing Art History
… For example, Incas carved small stones into alpacas and llamas with rotund,
legless bodies, which they called conopas. More important … with offerings of llama
fat. These actions would appease the conopas, which Incas believed were ...
Multiple lung nodules in a llama (Lama glama)
C. M. Powers, L. Novotny
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 2023
Figure 1—Photographs obtained during postmortem examination of a 1.5-year-old
female intact llama with a clinical history of anorexia and inability to stand up. A—Arising
from the middle of the left lung lobe is an 8 X 6 X 6-cm, yellow, focal, firm mass (black ...
M. Le Neün, E. Dufour, N. Goepfert, J. C. Wheeler…
Revista de Arqueologia, 2023
… A potential domestication of the guanaco based on the occurrence of larger size
fetal/neonatal individuals and leading to the appearance of llamas in layer IV around
5000 BP is also mentioned. However, this assumption, based on the occurrence of …
A. Zimmer, T. Beach, S. Riva Regalado, J. Salcedo Aliaga…
Llamas (Llama glama) enhance proglacial ecosystem development in Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Scientific Reports, 2023
… Then, to infer the effect of the llamas on soil development (ie, Hypothesis 1) in
May 2019 (before introducing the llamas) and June 2022 (three years after initiation),
we collected three soil samples distributed in the upper, middle, and lower slopes of …
E. Apaza Zuñiga
Influence of the inbreeding coefficient on birth weight and weaning weight in llamas (Lama glama)
Revista de Investigación e Innovación Agropecuaria y …, 2023
… Por esta razón, considerando la gran importancia de lograr mayor productividad
sostenible en la crianza de llamas, se planteó el presente trabajo de investigación
que estuvo dirigido a evaluar la magnitud de la consanguinidad individual del hato
E. Apaza Zuñiga
Influence of the inbreeding coefficient on birth weight and weaning weight in llamas (Lama glama)
Revista de Investigación e Innovación Agropecuaria y …, 2023
… Por esta razón, considerando la gran importancia de lograr mayor productividad
sostenible en la crianza de llamas, se planteó el presente trabajo de investigación
que estuvo dirigido a evaluar la magnitud de la consanguinidad individual del hato …
A. Hund, T. Wittek, U. Selan, A. Käsbohrer, C. L. Firth -
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Knowledge of common diseases and their treatment in minor species, such as
llamas and alpacas, is growing, but frequently drugs are not licensed in these
species. Our aim was to evaluate frequent diagnoses and commonly applied …
S. A. Hollingsworth, C. L. Noland, K. Vroom, A. Saha… -
Scientific Reports, 2023
… Through llama immunization campaigns, we have identified single domain
antibodies (VHHs) that are cross-reactive against multiple emergent coronaviruses (SARS-CoV,
SARS-CoV-2, and MERS). Importantly, a number of these antibodies show sub-nanomolar …
S. K. Ringer, R. Bettschart-Wolfensberger-
Morbidity and mortality associated with general anaesthesia in domestic ruminants and camelids
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 2023
… For this purpose, a large multicentre study is planned to investigate factors
associated with anaesthetic morbidity and mortality in domestic ruminants and
camelids ie, cattle, sheep, goats, alpacas and llamas. The next steps will be to bring …
Llama Meat: Why Llama Meat is a Nutritious and Sustainable Protein Option - AZ Animals
AZ Animals
Have you ever wanted to try llama meat? Take a look a these facts to learn about this unique but surprisingly nutritious
Llamas solve problems faster after watching people do it | New Scientist
E. G. Zampini, M. F. Veiga, C. C. Arraztoa, M. F. Gallelli..
Llamas are able to learn from other llamas and even more effectively from humans, possibly because thousands of years of domestication gave them
Enzo German Zampini, María Fernanda Veiga, Claudia Cecilia Arraztoa, María Florencia Gallelli, Evangelina Moncalvo, Mariana Carla Gambarotta, Deborah Margarita Neild, Marcelo Horacio Miragaya, Virginia Luz Trasorras
Transfer of cooled llama embryos obtained from synchronized females
Emerging Animal Species, 2023
… based on GnRH and PGF 2α on embryo donor llamas for fixed timed mating and
assessed the viability … Llamas were divided into four follicular wave groups: growth,
dominance, static and … llama pregnancy after transfer of embryos stored in Botu-BOX®
N. Bells, D. Richterin
Turner and McIlwraith's Techniques in Large Animal Surgery E-Book
… A chapter on llama tooth removal was added … in llamas. We have corrected
angular limb deformities, repaired fractures, and performed gastrointestinal surgery,
among other procedures, but tooth removal is the most common. Descriptions of …
J. Fürstenau, M. T. Richter, N. A. Erickson, R. Große…
Veterinary Pathology, 2023
Borna disease is a progressive meningoencephalitis caused by spillover of the
Borna disease virus 1 (BoDV-1) to horses and sheep and has gained attention due
to its zoonotic potential. New World camelids are also highly susceptible to the …
M. Mondini
Quaternary Science Advances, 2023
… This supports the hypothesis that this parasite entered the region along with
Eurasian livestock, which is important to understanding the origins of a disease that
has contributed to the displacement of traditional camelid pastoralism to higher …
M. Stephenson
Hispanic American Historical Review
… Among these, the vicuna became an unexpectedly powerful icon, superseding
the llama due to associations that the latter had as a beast … Because llamas and
alpacas were raised almost exclusively by Indigenous pastoral communities, the
P. Wolff
Llamas and alpacas have a different glucose utilization and regulation physiology
than cattle. … Mild to moderate superior brachygnathism is not uncommon in llamas
and alpacas and the … Weights are ideal however body condition scores have been …
Cesarean section in camelids: indications, technique, survival, and postoperative fertility
M. S. Waqas, A. Campbell, E. Arroyo, I. Bott, A. Anouassi
… Although twinning is rare in camelids,2 2 cases of twins resulting in a cesarean section were observed each in an alpaca and llama in this study. These findings are consistent with other retrospective study in SACs;14 however, in that study a higher …
Clinical Theriogenology, 2023
Laparoscopic-assisted cryptorchidectomy in South American camelids and Nigerian dwarf goats
D. Schwartz, M. S. Waqas, E. Arroyo, A. Ruiz, A. Tibary -
Cryptorchidism is a common sexual development disorder in males with a potential
hereditary origin in goats and camelids. Cryptorchid animals should be removed
from breeding and castrated to eliminate male behavior. The objective of this paper …
Clinical Theriogenology, 2023
M. I. Mustafa, A. Mohammed -
Revolutionizing Antiviral Therapy with Nanobodies: Generation and Prospects
Biotechnology Reports, 2023
… These tiny proteins, which are derived from the immune systems of camelids such
as llamas and camels, are much smaller than … In camels and llamas, for example,
the genes encoding the heavy chain of their antibodies undergo a unique process …
D. Ehrenstein -
Physics, 2023
… That model accounted for effects such as the competition for water among plants,
the natural deaths of plants, and the eating of plants by an animal called a vicuña,
which is a relative of the llama. The model indicated that the formation of the rotating …
M. D. Ercoli, A. Álvarez, S. R. Moyano -
Journal of Anatomy, 2023
Camelids are the only living representatives of the Suborder Tylopoda, and present
a unique set of osteo-myological masticatory features, differing from all other extant
euungulates. They combine selenodont dentition and rumination with a fused …
M. D. Ercoli, A. Álvarez, S. R. Moyano -
Journal of Anatomy, 2023
Camelids are the only living representatives of the Suborder Tylopoda, and present
a unique … functional morphology of Lama glama and other camelids in a
comparative framework. Both … The myology of llamas confirms that camelids …
L. A. Bocancia-Mateescu, D. Stan, A. C. Mirica, M. G. Ghita… -
Nanobodies as Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tools for Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs)
Pharmaceuticals, 2023
… Nanobodies or single-domain antibody fragments are found in sharks and
camelids [11]. Despite their low molecular weight—they are … They were first
discovered in camelids in 1993 by Hamers-Casterman and his collaborators, which …
L. W. Mamani-Linares, F. Cayo-Rojas -
Journal of the Selva Andina Animal Science, 2023
… de pastoreo y social de llamas jóvenes enteros criados sobre pasturas nativas.
Los tratamientos fueron: GR: llama en pastos nativos, GR+… concentrate
supplementation on the grazing and social behavior of young intact llamas reared
A. D. Somerville -
Human-Animal Interactions in the Pre-colonial Americas: Insights from Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis
Exploring Human Behavior Through Isotope Analysis …, 2023
… The authors suggest that this pattern represents differences between puna-pastured
alpacas (low δ 13 C) and maize-foddered llamas (high δ 13 C). They argue that the
Wari llamas were kept locally in corrals and provisioned with maize stalks, leading to …
M. D. Quispe Bonilla, C. Quispe Bonilla… -
Animal 17, 5 (2023) 100800, 2023
Medullated fibres, due to their higher resistance to bending and pressure, constitute
a problem for the textile industry. Thus, having practical instruments to identify them
is essential. Therefore, the aim of this research was to develop and validate a novel
J. A. R. Cantal, J. M. G. Anguita, A. D. Huertas, L. A. Sánchez…
Journal of Archaeological …, 2023
This paper presents the results obtained concerning the possible presence of
camelids in the city of Cordoba (Spain) in Roman and medieval times, after the
review of all the faunal assemblages corresponding to these historical periods …
L Guthrie
The Sling: A Brief History and Experimental Recreation
… Llama wool was what was commonly used by South American tribes and
civilizations for sling construction, but llama wool was expensive and less accessible
to me. I also saw wool recommended in more modern sources on yarn spinning as a ...
M. G. Pérez-Durand, A. Massa-Guzmán
Veterinary Sciences, 2023
… Other factors associated with infertility in alpacas and llamas are related to the
presence of persistent hymen [56]; however, in the present study there was no
incidence of this factor. On the other hand, old (>15 years) and low-body-condition-score …
M. D. Ercoli, A. Álvarez, S. R. Moyano
Journal of Anatomy, 2023
Camelids are the only living representatives of the Suborder Tylopoda, and present
a unique set of osteo-myological masticatory features, differing from all other extant
euungulates. They combine selenodont dentition and rumination with a fused …
A. Ibrahim, J. Hussen, T. Shawaf, F. A. Al‐Hizab, M. Kiupel -
Disseminated gamma‐delta T‐cell lymphoma in a dromedary camel
Veterinary Record Case Reports
… In one study of 26 lymphomas in alpacas and llamas, 13/20 lymphomas in
alpacas were identified as T-cell lymphomas. In another study, … Similarly, seven of
11 cases in llamas were identified in the same study as having B-cell lymphomas …
D. A. Figueroa Venegas, F. A. Corredor Arizapana… -
urn: issn: 2076-2615, 2023
… the interspecific relationship between llamas and vicuñas. In general, the
populations of alpacas and llamas present greater genetic diversity … of genetic
diversity among three species (alpacas, llamas, and vicuñas). In the case of Peru
M. I. Mustafa, A. Mohammed
Revolutionizing Antiviral Therapy with Nanobodies: Generation and Prospects
Biotechnology Reports, 2023
… These tiny proteins, which are derived from the immune systems of camelids such
as llamas and camels, are much smaller than … In camels and llamas, for example,
the genes encoding the heavy chain of their antibodies undergo a unique process …
W Poma Calle
High Andean camelid herders: an approach from territorial development
Temas Sociales, 2023
… La crianza de llamas y alpacas tiene una significativa presencia en la comunidad
originaria de Chacaltaya (Bolivia), que tiene una tradición … Según las pastoras, la
llama es la que más beneficios da, porque la carne es demandada y una llama bien...
J Nesbitt, SL Weber, E Washburn, BI Asencios… -
Journal of Ethnobiology, 2023
… Extant faunal remains suggest deer comprised an important component of the diet,
while camelids constitute a minor proportion of the … on subsistence practices in the
north-central and northern highlands of Peru prior to the widespread adoption of …
M Smith-Blackmore
Animal Abuse Involving Large Animals
Investigating Animal Abuse Crime Scenes
Generally speaking, “large animals” include cattle, horses, donkeys and other equids,
pigs, sheep, goats and other small ruminants, llamas, alpacas and other camelids.
Under the law, however, the definition of agricultural animals varies, as do their legal ..
A. M. Shen, O. M. Malekshah, N. Pogrebnyak, T. Minko
Plant-derived single domain COVID-19 antibodies.
Journal of Controlled Release …, 2023
… We selected a single N-terminal domain functional camelid-derived heavy (H)-chain
antibody fragments (VHH, AKA nanobodies) targeted to receptor binding domain of
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and developed methods of their rapid production using …
B. Leonard, V. Danna, L. Gorham, M. Davison, W. Chrisler
Shaping Nanobodies and Intrabodies against Proteoforms
Analytical Chemistry, 2023
… We employed a synthetic camelid nanobody library expressed in yeast to identify
nanobody binders of different SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD)
proteoforms. Importantly, employment of the positive and negative selection …
C. A. Smith, G. J. Sonneson, R. J. Hoey, J. M. Hinerman… -
Molecular recognition requires dimerization of a VHH antibody
mAbs, 2023
… As the anti-caffeine VHH antibody was first generated through inoculation of a
llama, Citation18 the homodimer-based hapten recognition by a camelid antibody
opens the possibility that such dimer-based target recognition may occur in vivo …
AD Tung
Yep - 2023
… R1a-B6 is one such broadly neutralising anti-influenza antibody derived from a
camelid (specifically an alpaca). Camelid derived antibodies … The wide range of
influenza viruses neutralised potently by WC21 and the flexible formatting of camelid …
P. A. Burger, E. Ciani, C. Pastrana, H. Alhaddad, J.M. Astruc
Society of Camelid …, 2023
AIM: The aim of this presentation is to introduce the work and activities of the Sheep,
Goats and Camelids Working Group (SGC-WG) of ICAR to the larger camel research
community. The need for advanced phenotype recording techniques has been …
M. B. Navarrete Zamora, T. S. Silva, M. D. Silva
Frontiers in Cell and …
… Alpaca is a South American camelid, mainly located in Peruvian highlands,
where oxygen concentration and atmosphere pressure are … For this propose, 12
term alpaca placentas were collected, material obtained at the time of birth of …
C I. Pastrana, F. J. N. González, T. K. S. Osman, E. Ciani… - …
Society of Camelid …, 2023
AIM: The present study is intended to optimize a protocol implemented for the linear
appraisal of dromedary camels (n= 130) that are reared in single-sex herds for
different functional purposes (milk production and leisure riding). Further, the …
C. L. Jacobson, B. E. Clarke, S. Hancock, A. N. Thompson
Camelid and Goat Veterinarians …
Suboptimal reproductive performance of maiden ewes impacts sheep enterprise
productivity, but the extent and causes of the poorer reproductive performance of
maiden ewes on Australian sheep farms are not well understood. Here we show the …
M. N. Sgobba, C. I. Pastrana, N. Schlosserova
Society of Camelid …, 2023
The 6th Conference of the International Society of Camelid Research and
Development (ISOCARD)-2023
E. M. Webb, A. Compton, P. Rai, C. Chuong, S. L. Paulson
Frontiers in Microbiology
… Given the close antigenic relationship between MAYV and CHIKV, we formulated
a single defense strategy to combat both emerging arboviruses: we generated
transgenic Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that express two camelid-derived anti-CHIKV …
F. Si, F. Widén, S Dong, Z. Li
Hepatitis E Virus, 2023
… , camelid HEV was firstly isolated from dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius
or one-humped camels) in Dubai [53] and then, in 2016, more strains of camelid …
In 2015, a patient who had received liver transplantation was found to be infected by …
L van Schie, W Van Breedam, C Roels, B Schepens… - ,
mAbs 2023
As small and stable high-affinity antigen binders, VHHs boast attractive
characteristics both for therapeutic use in various disease indications, and as
versatile reagents in research and diagnostics. To further increase the versatility of …
N Mansour, F Lamghari, F Alhefeiti, R Al-Khateeb… -
Success of embryo transfer of hybrid embryos in Old World camelids: A first study
Reproduction in domestic animals …
This is the first study to test the embryo transfer (ET) of hybrid embryos in Old World
camelids and produces a live calf from a dromedary recipient. Hybrid embryos were
collected from 7 dromedary and 10 Bactrian donors, with or without ovarian super-stimulation …
CI Pastrana, FJN González, TKS Osman, E Ciani…
Society of Camelid …, 2023
AIM: The present research is aimed at the identification of the curve, or mathematical
function, that has the best fit to a series of data points obtained from the analysis of
different gaits (walk, pace and galloping) in dromedary camels (n= 190). Such curve …
LI Danner, S Herzog, C Lendl, T Wittek
Seroprevalence of Borna disease virus antibodies in alpacas and llamas in Austria
… We aimed to include approximately 10 % of the New World camelids. The
selection of the herds and animals and sample preparation was … As far as we are
aware, these issues are also unknown in New World camelids. About 30 % of the …
AK Alaica, V Bélisle -
Quaternary International, 2023
There is a long history in the use of osseous materials from some of the earliest
contexts of the Andes, yet most technology studies have focused on durable
materials of ceramic, metal, and stone. In this paper, we present evidence for the
W. L. Franklin
Background The wild Vicuña is one of six members of Camelid family. It is a medium-sized
(38-45kg), high altitude (3200-4800m) ungulate, endemic to South America with two
subspecies: Northern Vicuña (Vv mensalis) and Southern Vicuña (Vv vicugna); the …
I. Udroiu
Phylogeny and evolution of erythrocytes in mammals
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2023
… camelids RBCs, because of the decrease in the surface area to volume ratio,
without increasing the RBC volume (MCV). Indeed, among the species studied,
camelids … Nonetheless, in camelids mutations happened that allowed some …
Y. Kong, F. Xie, Z. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Di, Z. Zhou
European Radiology, 2023
… We used the structure of heavy-chain-only camelid antibodies as a basic sketch
to ensure low molecular weight and low non-target binding. NY004 contains CH2
and CH3 domains derived from human IgG1, and VHH, a variable region of the …
JA Soto, RA Loaiza, S Echeverría, R Ramírez… -
Expert Opinion on …, 2023
… Studies comparing the IgV gene repertoires of camelid germ lines and their
human counterparts have revealed a 95% sequence identity between the framework
region (FR) of human Ig [139] and the camelid IGHV family III, which suggests …
K Manoutcharian, G Gevorkian
Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2023
… chain in camelids and sharks enabled researchers to generate the smallest
recombinant antibody fragments, VHHs (about 15 kDa) and VNARs (about 12 kDa),
respectively, also called nanobodies [1,2]. Since then, many groups have …
Y Jiang, Y Lin, S Krishnaswamy, R Pan, Q Wu…
Single-domain antibody–based noninvasive in vivo imaging of α-synuclein or tau pathology
Science Advances, 2023
… In contrast to the β sheet dyes, single-domain antibodies, found in camelids and a
few other species, are highly specific, and their small size allows better brain entry
and distribution than whole antibodies. Here, we have developed such imaging …
JN Hambly, CE Ruby, DV Mourich, S Bracha, BP Dolan
Veterinary Sciences, 2023
… In keeping with a One Health framework, we also discuss the potential use of
single-domain antibodies (sdAbs) derived from camelid species (also known as
Nanobodies™) for therapies targeting multiple veterinary animal patients without the …
JL Lim, R Augustinus, JJ Plomp, K Roya-Kouchaki… Development and characterization of agonistic antibodies targeting the Ig-like 1 domain of MuSK
- Scientific Reports, 2023
… The second set of antibodies resulted from libraries generated from two llamas
that were immunized … The variable domains of both types of antibodies (patient
and llama-derived) were … The llama-derived antibodies were further selected for …
E Wakild
What'sa guanaco? tracing the llama diaspora through and beyond South America
… llamas have had agency is less pertinent here than the ways llamas have and
have not quite acclimatized to new habitats. They remain associated with their
homeland; they remain exotic rather than quotidian. If the llamas … the South …
Neosporosis in Argentina: Past, present and future perspectives
LM Campero, W Basso, G Moré, F Fiorani, YP Hecker… - … : Regional Studies and …, 2023
… However, in the few serological studies performed in llamas from Argentina only a
low level of seropositivity was detected and no … Evaluation of Neospora caninum
and Toxoplasma gondii infections in alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and llama (Lama glama) …
K Uzawa, M Takigami, Y Seki
Pacopampa and Kuntur Wasi: Regional Variations in the Process of Llama (Lama glama) Introduction
Senri Ethnological Studies, 2023
… reasonable to consider the factors that prevented the use of llamas at this
ceremonial center, given the widespread use of llamas throughout Central Andes
during this period. We propose that the supply of llamas was limited at Kuntur Wasi …
L Rossetto, MF Gallelli, GF Franco, MA Aba…
Effect of early administration of progesterone on the function of the corpus luteum of llamas
Animal Reproduction, 2023
… of progesterone immediately after ovulation affects corpus luteum lifespan in
llamas. Female llamas (n=16) were induced to ovulate by … the premature
activation of the luteolytic process affecting corpus luteum function in llamas as it …
P Gradl
Metal Additive Manufacturing for Rocket Engines: Successes and Failures
Additive Manufacturing Users Group, 2023
… • The L-PBF GRCop-42 chambers built under LLAMA had higher porosity (1-2%)
that congregated more at witness lines causing lack of fusion. • Granular surfaces,
unmelted particles, and irregular pores were observed in microtensile specimens (sectioned) …
M Takigami, K Uzawa
Senri Ethnological Studies, 2023
… The general perspective is that the domestication of the alpacas and the llamas
occurred independently. The first camelid domestication, … The llama domestication
began later because the guanaco is larger and more difficult to control than the …
S Rosenfeld
Of Guinea Pigs and Mines: Changing Access to Animal Consumption at Chavín de Huántar (Peru)
The Latin Americanist, 2023
M Jahanbanifard, E Price, BA González, LA Raggi…
International Journal of Mass Spectometry…, 2023
M Cocchi, G Foiani, E Melchiotti, F Feliziani, G De Zan
… The farmer also owned two llamas and introduced this cria, together with two
other adult female alpacas, 1 month prior to presentation. These … Both the alpacas
and llamas were fed hay and had free access to pasture. The cria was also provided …
Veterinary Record Case Reports
G S Duke, WH Isbell
Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru: 4
… The presence of coca and chili peppers—two plants known for both their ritual
significance and importance in daily activities (Cutright 2011, 87; Gumerman 2002)—as
well as maize and llama, is consistent with a pattern that makes sense for temporary …
M. P. Weihmüller
… In contexts where osteometry was unable to clarify questions pertaining to
domestication and where the line between guanaco and llama was blurred,
paleopathological analysis has been used as a complementary approach. These
International Journal of Paleopathology, 2023
MD Quispe, CC Quispe, L Serrano-Arriezu, JD Trigo…
Animal, 2023
Medullated fibers, due to their higher resistance to bending and pressure, constitute
a problem for the textile industry. Thus, having practical instruments to identify them
is essential. Therefore, the aim of this research was to develop and validate a novel …
C Eibl, S Franz
The Clinical Importance Of Ultrasonography For Examining Healthy Condition Of Kidney And Spleen
… llamas, such that the llama kidney is larger than that of the alpaca. The main
reason could be the difference in body sizes between the species, as llamas …
animals investigated was also responsible for the lack of statistical significance
Y Gong, Y He - Cell membrane anchoring strategies for HIV gene therapy Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 2023
Moreover, this group worked on two heavy chain-only llama antibodies, JM2 and JM4. GPI-VHH JM4-modified cells, but not JM2-modified cells, effectively neutralized
cell-free and cell-associated HIV infections, revealing that epitope specificity largely …
ANC Castro, MC Illia, PA Lendez, MPC Illia…Hepatic hematopoiesis in the alpaca (Vicugna pacos), a species with development in hypoxic environmentsTissue and Cell, 2023
Hematopoiesis occurs in different anatomical niches throughout the life of the
individual. The first hematopoietic extra-embryonic stage is replaced by a intra-embryonic
stage that occurs in a region that is adjacent to the dorsal aorta. Then, the prenatal …
S Nakamura, T Adachi, M Ogawa Japanese Contributions to the Studies of Mesoamerican Civilizations - 2023
La participación de arqueólogos japoneses en la arqueología del continente
americano se comenzó a partir del año 1958 cuando el equipo de la Universidad de
Tokyo inició un proyecto en la región de los Andes
M Rokouei, E Vaziri, M Feizabadi, H Faraji-Arough…, Fifty Years of Research on Camelids and the Contribution of Genetics and Genomics: A Scientometrics Evaluation Agriculturae Conspectus 2023
… Considering the co-occurrence of keywords, “alpaca” and “llama” appeared 40
times together during the last 50 years, followed by “camel” with “PCR”, “camel” with “Trypanosoma
evansi” (each 19 times), and “nanobody” with “phage display” (16 times). For the …
N Enke Drinking behaviour of llamas (Lama glama) and horses (Equus caballus) in response to saline drinking water - 2023
… , such as llamas and alpacas, or hindgut fermenters, such as horses or rabbits.
For the experiments of this study, llamas were chosen as … Against this background,
the aim of the thesis was to evaluate the responses of llamas and horses towards …
Y Kane, G Wong, GF Gao - Animal Models, Zoonotic Reservoirs, and Cross-Species Transmission of Emerging Human-Infecting Coronaviruses Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 2023
… MERS-CoV antibodies were also found in alpacas and llamas, suggesting the susceptibility of Camelidae species and the potential role they might play as
amplifying hosts (104). Similar to dromedary camels, these two species …
MP Alfonso-Durruty, DE Blom - Foodways of the Ancient Andes: Transforming Diet, Cuisine, and Society 2023
Eating is essential for life, but it also embodies social and symbolic dimensions. This volume shows how foods and peoples were mutually transformed in the ancient
Andes. Exploring the multiple social, ecological, cultural, and ontological ..., much discussion of SACs.
J Correa-Lau, C Agüero, J Splitstoser, E Echenique… - Inka Unku: Imperial or provincial? State-local relations Plos one, 2023
… While camelid fiber was less commonly used for warps in tapestry, it was the dominant fiber used for wefts [29]. Similarly, it has been noted … and camelid fiber
wefts [31, 75]. In contrast, at Caleta Vitor Bay, all chuspas have camelid fiber warp
E Apaza Zúñiga, CU Olarte Daza, JE Quispe Coaquira - Textile quality of the llamas (Lama glama) descerdated fiber in a humid ecological floor Revista de Investigación e …, 2022
… Llama breeding is an alternative activity to alleviate the poverty of families in rural areas, either as a meat or fiber producer; however, it is … dehairing fiber of llamas of
the phenotypes K'ara and Ch'aku, which elucidate quality using computerized …
L Paiva, M Silva, R Carrasco, V Ratto, J Goicochea… - Seminal plasma nerve growth factor signaling on the reproductive physiology of female llamas Animal Reproduction, 2023
… also modulating the ovarian function in the domestic South American camelid, the llama. The neurotrophin beta-Nerve Growth Factor (β-NGF) is the principal factor
present in the semen of llamas responsible for inducing ovulation in this species …
AI Hidalgo, C Ulloa-Leal, G Gajardo, G López… - Ovulation Induced by Intrauterine Seminal Plasma Increases Total Protein, PGE2, IL-8, and IL-1β in Uterine Fluid of Llamas (Lama glama) Animals, 2023
… was to determine the uterine immune response of llamas in different stages of the reproductive cycle. Adult llamas (n = 20) were examined … Llamas treated with an
intrauterine infusion of seminal plasma showed the highest concentration of total …
DS Sim, M Shukla, CR Mallari, JA Fernández, X Xu… - Selective Modulation of Activated Protein C Activities by a Non-Active Site Targeting Nanobody Library Blood Advances, 2023
… cells (PBMCs) of llamas immunized with active siteblocked APC (APC-PPACK). In this study, a set of 21 llama nanobodies specific to non-… In summary, this llama
nanobody library yielded 21 nanobodies that can selectively modulate APC …
Bianchi CP, Gallelli MF, Herrera JM, Benavente MA, Rossetto L, Aba MA. Current knowledge about the processes of luteolysis and maternal recognition of pregnancy in camelids. Reprod Domest Anim. 2023 Jan;58(1):3-9. doi: 10.1111/rda.14269. Epub 2022 Oct 1. PMID: 36149369. Bianchi CP, Gallelli MF, Herrera JM, Benavente MA, Rossetto L, Aba MA. Current knowledge about the processes of luteolysis and maternal recognition of pregnancy in camelids. Reprod Domest Anim. 2023 Jan;58(1):3-9. doi: 10.1111/rda.14269. Epub 2022 Oct 1. PMID: 36149369.
Demmis Muñoz Villacorta Roberto Carlos Manuel Oscco Aguero and Laberiano Andrade-Arenas. 2023. “Mobile Application for Care and Health Control of Camelids.” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1769–69.
Dost, I. et. al Clostridioides difficile in South American Camelids in Germany:
First Insights into Molecular and Genetic Characteristics and Antimicrobial Resistance Antibiotics 2023, 12(1), 86.
Le Neün Manon Elise Dufour Nicolas Goepfert Dimitri Neaux Jane C Wheeler Hugo Yacobaccio Guillermo Luis Mengoni Goñalons Dolores Elkin Alejandra Gasco and Thomas Cucchi. n.d. “Can First Phalanx Multivariate Morphometrics Help Document Past Taxonomic Diversity in South American Camelids?” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.
These are in their infancy but include:
A. Classified subject listing to contents of selected llama magazines
B. Individual magazine contents - issue by issue
Llama Banner (Under development)
Llama Life (Under development)
C. Electronic versions: see the digital library - click here
Indexing, abstracting and other bibliographical listing of periodical articles and chapters (Additional to wider bibliographies see here)
Academic Journals
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JURN -is an academic search-engine, indexing 3,952 free e-journals in the arts & humanities.
Google Scholar - Database of digitised articles available on the WWW
For details of articles appearing in the popular press such as county magazines, etc. some are indexed in British Humanities Index. For newspaper articles see below.
Of course there are many more based indexes based on subject, language of publication, period of publication, historical period, etc. Those interested in older material are advised to consult indexes and bibliographies of Victorian literature, etc.
For llama content click on icon to the right
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For llama content click on icon to the right
Also see the Bibliography sections for additional listings and current awareness publications
Newspaper Articles
There are many indexes and search engines to newspapers by country, language, repository and so on. There are also indexes to the contents of individual newspapers such as The (London) Times. A list of llama news articles in a selection of national newspapers has been started here.